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photo tours inside log homes

Three things make this log home unique... 1. The big, open floorplan... and the big open windows. 2. The bi-level flooring in the bathrooms, that 'hides' the plumbing. 3. The wide open kitchen and curved island with the stove in the center. Have a look...

Lonnie and Sherry built this log home from scratch themselves. It took them 2 years, and they have a lot to be proud of. Check out all of these one-of-a-kind features...

Matt and April were a lot of fun to chat with during the Honest Abe Tour of Homes. Their timber frame home is currently under construction, and is set among the beautiful fields and rolling hills of Middle Tennessee. See highlights here...

I cannot thank Honest Abe enough for putting together this Annual Tour of Log Homes for their prospective log home clients. Here are highlights from our day visiting the open houses of 2 log homes under construction, and 2 log homes that had recently been finished.

Enjoy these pictures that summarize lake living in Dover, Tennessee. Here's a day in the life... on Lake Barkley!

This was the first time we walked inside a log home with chinking. It didn't have quite the warm and cozy feeling like the 'traditional' d-link log home we visited the day before, but this home was interesting for many other reasons!