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We recently attended the Log & Timber Home Show in Nashville. What follows is a summary of what we had HOPED to see at the show, and what we actually saw at this log home show. See why log home shows are great for the the person who is just starting to explore the concept of buying or building a log home -- and maybe not so great for those who are farther along in the process.

Matt and April were a lot of fun to chat with during the Honest Abe Tour of Homes. Their timber frame home is currently under construction, and is set among the beautiful fields and rolling hills of Middle Tennessee. See highlights here...

I would venture to guess that those who buy (or build) log homes are typically people who have a greater appreciation for -- and involvement with -- the outdoors. There's just something about a rustic cabin-type abode that appeals to outdoorsy people. But did you ever stop to think that Mother Nature is both a log home owner's friend... and enemy?