Home & GardenLog Home vs Stick Built
It's a fact, log home insurance is typically 20% more than insurance for the same size non-log home. Worse yet, many insurance companies charging a 25% to 50% surcharge for a log home. Here's our experience getting log home insurance, plus a number of log home insurance tips to help you get started.

Whether you want to build an entire home that looks like a log cabin --on the inside -- or you just want to decorate one specific room in log cabin decor, interior log siding is the answer! When used INSIDE a home, the terms 'log siding', 'log paneling' and 'tongue & groove wood' are often used interchangeably. Log siding tends to be raised and rounded -- like a log... or a half log -- whereas log paneling tends to be flat and narrow -- like a plank of wood found at the lumber yard. When used inside a home, they are both applied using the tongue & groove method... generally speaking

With hurricane season upon us -- June 1 through November 30 -- I thought it might be worthwhile to see how well log homes fare under typical hurricane conditions. You'll also find some excellent tips here if you are currently building a log home and you want it to be able to withstand hurricane force winds!