Articles Tagged:
maintenance and upkeep

It's hard for me NOT to re-subscribe to the 3 log home magazines I've been subscribing to. I mean, we got so much great info from them during that first year of the subscription. But now, we're craving more than these magazines seem willing to provide. If you're contemplating resubscribing to a log home magazine, I'm here to tell you, you may want to check out This Old House magazine instead. Especially if you're already living in your log home... chances are, the log home magazines won't have much to offer you at all.

How often you need to stain your log home will depend on the color of stain you choose and how well you did the log staining prep work mentioned here. Lighter stains will need to be reapplied every 2-3 years. Darker stains can last 4-5 years. Here are more log home maintenance tips and things to watch for.