Designing / BuildingHome & Garden

How often you need to stain your log home will depend on the color of stain you choose and how well you did the log staining prep work mentioned here. Lighter stains will need to be reapplied every 2-3 years. Darker stains can last 4-5 years. Here are more log home maintenance tips and things to watch for.

Need more space in your log home?... Consider a walk out basement! Here are some great reasons to consider building a log home with a basement, plus tips for building your basement while still staying within your log home budget.

Your log home is built, the weather is right, and now it's time for the exterior of your log home to be stained. For the record, they say that the best time to stain a log home is when the logs have a moisture content less than 19%. Here are the 4 necessary steps prior to staining a log home.

We fell in love with the log staircase that Hiawatha had in their model log home. It was comprised of half logs for steps and fit perfectly into the home's layout. It was something that we just 'had to have' in our log cabin. We researched the cost, and then compared the various log staircases that were available. Here's what we've learned about log stairs...

See why Shelley and Greg decided to build their log home from a manufactured log cabin kit, rather than a handcrafted log home.

Here's a great list of environmentally-friendly green log home products and suppliers. So, if you're trying to make your currently log home more green or you'll soon be building your very own green log home, here are some companies that will make your life easier!

If you're comparing the characteristics between concrete log homes and traditional log homes, it's fair to say that with log homes made of wood, you have to worry about mold, rot, insects, and fire -- over time. But with concrete log homes you do not. Nor do you have to apply stain to the home's exterior every few years. And, since you don't have to chop down any trees for concrete log homes, concrete log homes are also considered to be environmentally-friendly.

It's been about 2 years since we started the process of building our log home. We had the land picked out, the bank picked out, the GC picked out, the builder picked out, the logs picked out, the floorplan designed the way we wanted it, and we even started clearing the land. Then why isn't our log home done yet? Why haven't we even raised the first log yet?

Weatherall has a fun -- and FREE -- program you can download to see what your log home would look like with different color schemes. Yep, change the stain color on the logs, the deck, the trim work. Change the color of the chinking -- if any. You can even change the style and color of the roof. Download Weatherall Color Viewer here.