Designing / BuildingHome & Garden

Log cabin kits that include machine-cut logs can be purchased from a number of different log providers. If you want to build your own log cabin, then check out these tips for getting DIY instructions from the experts, log raising events, and some books to guide you through the steps.

The first official sign that construction is about to take place on our new log home site: the posting of the Building Permit! But it was a day of highs and lows, thanks to a series of tornadoes that hit in Williamson County the night before.

We got our Building Permit today. Who knew the cost for a Building Permit in Williamson County TN could be so much?... $9,177! It's mostly due to the county's Privilege Tax. And boy do we feel privileged to live in Franklin, TN!

This past Fall was a very difficult time for us to try & get a log home construction loan to build our new log home. There were several reasons for this -- all spelled out here.

No, we haven't secured our log home loan yet. But the good news is... time is on our side. Because the mortgage rates have already come down since our previous closing date in October of 2007, and they are projected to drop even more in the coming months.

Of the 5 acres we own, there is only one tiny little spot where the home can actually go. The rest will be hilly trails and a forest of thick trees lining the creeks. So, to ease our mind, and clarify for all involved -- including the bank, the County, and ourselves -- we asked the surveyor to come back out and re-survey it again for us.

A question: 'We are in the beginning stages of building our log home and seriously thinking of using Staggered Shake Shingle Vinyl Siding on the second story. Our reasoning for doing so was the maintenance of the home. Have you heard or have you seen any log homes which have done the same?'

Joe -- our guest reporter -- shares with us a few more practical tips for buying or building a log home. In this installment, he offers some recommendations to help you decide between one log home company and another.

We are very fortunate to have found them all: a log provider, a builder, and a general contractor that we are completely comfortable with. Here's why we chose Honest Abe Log Homes and why we stuck with them through lots of changes, ups & downs.