Your log home is built and now it’s time to spruce up your outdoor surroundings.
A tip before you start the landscaping around your log home: pay attention to the trees! (We learned the hard way.)
Following are some reasons why it’s important to survey your lot for trees that need to be removed, as well as a few tips for determining where you should plant any new trees, shrubs and flowers around your log home.
Storm Damage: Trees Down
Recently, we had a nasty storm in Gaylord, Michigan where our log home is located.
A towering maple tree that is located in front of our log home had 3 of its thick, long limbs snap and fall within a couple feet of our deck. Just 2 more feet and our deck and front windows would have been destroyed.
It was a close call and made us realize we’d better evaluate the location of the rest of our trees to make sure they do not present a problem in the future.
Stuckman’s Tree Service came out and informed us we were the 30th house in the past few days that had to have storm-damaged trees removed! And 5 of those homes had trees come through their roof.
The crew removed the limbs on the ground, and trimmed up other tree limbs that were too close to our log home. They chipped up the wood, and we were able to use some of it to create a path to the lake. (I love when you can reuse nature’s resources!)
The lesson we learned:
Prior to building a log home, it would be wise to have your contractor survey your lot ahead of time and remove any trees that could compromise your log home site.
Locating a shade tree to the west of your home is helpful, since it blocks the harsh afternoon sun. Trees planted to the western side of your home also block northwest winds, which are very harsh. — Log Home Landscaping Ideas
Ready To Plant Trees, Shrubs & Flowers?
The number one thing to remember is that you don’t want trees, shrubs and flowers touching — or even in close vicinity of — your log home.
- Tree sap can compromise your logs and roof.
- Plants and trees can also act as a conductor for water onto your logs which can cause water damage to your log home.
- Landscaping too close to the house invites insects and other critters too close to your logs where they can wreak havoc.
Consider also the type of trees and shrubs you are planting. For example:
- If it’s a fast-growing tree, will it be able to touch or hang over your log home in the near future?
- You especially don’t want to grow any creeping plants like ivy on your logs, as that can lead to mold damage.
After the perimeter of your log home is free of trees, bushes and other plantings which could compromise your logs and roof, then you are ready to landscape!
To view other log home owners’ landscaping methods, I would encourage you to visit The Log Home Neighborhood. It’s a great forum to see other members’ log homes. You can also post questions to other log home enthusiasts.