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Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining: 5 Acres!

Exploring 5 acres and the land boundaries. Wow!…

We went out to explore the 5 acres of land next to Smokey Joe’s Cabin today.

Jim and I were like two kids in a candy shop!

We had such a blast exploring the woods where we could potentially put our dream house.

It was just so easy to visualize.

The creeks… the privacy… the nature all surrounding you… it was to die for!

We really like this piece of land.

It’s currently owned by a lady whose husband passed away before they even started building. The odds are pretty good that she’d be interested in selling it.

We took a ton of pictures, too. Here are a few:

We're loving this... these are 5 of the most beautiful acres of land we've ever seen!All of this could be ours???The five wooded acres begin about where we were standing to take this picture, and go all the way down the private road to where you see our Jeep parked in the distance -- plus way deep INTO the woods as well.Jim taking in the views inside this Enchanted Forest. Now you can see why we got all the tick bites!...

Jim playing in the creek that goes through the back and side of the property.This is a pretty big creek for Williamson County.Don't mistake my smirk for disgust... I'm a bit overwhelmed by the fact that all of this could be ours!

Okay… so now our heart is set on building our log home on this lot. (Surprise, surprise.)

We just fell completely in LOVE with this piece of property! It is so “us”. We both feel pretty confident that this is where we’d like to build our dream home — a log home.