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Looking For Land… In All The Wrong Places!

Say what??? You are NOT going to believe this!

The 5 acres next to Smokey Joe’s Cabin?… SOLD!

Yesterday Jim got back from his 2-week business trip to Canada, and we decided to try & meet with our builder/developer friend.

We wanted to talk with him about that 5-acre lot and to start designing our log home.

We were really eager to start planning the budget to build our log home.

And we figured now is as good a time as any to put a deposit on the 5-acre piece of property that we love so much. Despite the fact that we’re not quite ready to build just yet… we will be soon.

The good news: Jim got us a meeting with the guy (today). I even took off work for this, because I figured we’d be signing something.

The bad news: When we arrived, the guy told us that the 5-acre lot next to Smokey Joe’s Cabin had been sold this past weekend. (He didn’t tell us over the phone before we arrived because Jim didn’t tell him which property we were coming to see him about! He’d shown us many.)

The look in the guy’s eyes was priceless. That yet another one had slipped through our hands just seemed so unreal — to him, and to us!

While we were there in his office, he called just to make sure. Yep. Done deal.

Rolling With The Punches

The absolutely worst part about this whole darned process is the fact that it’s all taking place at the height of Jim’s race season. Se he’s actually gone more than he’s home these days. And property goes FAST around here… You snooze, you lose!

Still, there’s really nothing we could’ve done — except to put a deposit on the property 2 weeks ago (before Jim left for Canada). Because we were pretty sure at that point that we wanted it.

Still… who’d a thunk it?
That the very weekend we decide to put an offer on the land, it sells. (There was not even a For Sale sign on this property!) That gives you some idea about how fast things are selling around here.

Yes, this property happens to be in Zip Code 37064 — which may help to explain it.