Who’d a thunk it?

Bass Pro Shops has partnered with Barna Log Homes to sell log cabins in their Fall catalog!
That’s right, there are 7 different log cabins that make up the Barna Log Homes RedHead line of custom log cabins which will be featured in Bass Pro Shops’ fall catalog.
The Barna line of log homes will also be promoted at Bass Pro Shops’ fishing events this spring and summer.
The RedHead line of Barna log cabins were designed with weekend adventurers who are seeking a cost-effective retreat for outdoor activities in mind.
The cabins range in size from a 173-square-foot single room cabin to a 1,309-square-foot, three-bedroom and 2.5-bath cabin. Each is built with premium-graded, kiln-dried yellow and white pine log systems and has a red metal roof. Custom add-on features include a lean-to roof, deck systems and deck railings… Prices start at $12,600 for the smallest cabin and top out at more than $64,250 for the largest one." Source
Here’s more information about the Bass Pro Shop log cabins.