Articles for author: Lynnette

The Latest Kitchen And Bathroom Trends

There is so much variety in the products available to us today, that it is difficult to stay abreast of all the latest changes in bathroom and kitchen design, as well as the trends that are shaping the future of kitchens and baths. Here, I've summarized a number of kitchen and bath trends that I've noticed while reading through home magazines, newspapers, and online reports in recent months.

Reasons This Old House Is The Best Magazine For Log Home Owners

It's hard for me NOT to re-subscribe to the 3 log home magazines I've been subscribing to. I mean, we got so much great info from them during that first year of the subscription. But now, we're craving more than these magazines seem willing to provide. If you're contemplating resubscribing to a log home magazine, I'm here to tell you, you may want to check out This Old House magazine instead. Especially if you're already living in your log home... chances are, the log home magazines won't have much to offer you at all.

Concrete Log Homes: An Unusual Type Of Log Cabin

If you're comparing the characteristics between concrete log homes and traditional log homes, it's fair to say that with log homes made of wood, you have to worry about mold, rot, insects, and fire -- over time. But with concrete log homes you do not. Nor do you have to apply stain to the home's exterior every few years. And, since you don't have to chop down any trees for concrete log homes, concrete log homes are also considered to be environmentally-friendly.